अखिल भारतीय श्री नारायणी धाम प्रबन्ध एवं विकास महासभा समिति , श्री नारायणी धाम, जिला - अलवर, राजस्थान

पंजीकृत कार्यालय :-
अलवर - श्री नारायणी धाम, गांव - बलदेवगढ़, तहसील - राजगढ़, जिला - अलवर ( राजस्थान )
जयपुर - E-150 गोविन्दपुरी रामनगर, सोडाला , जिला - जयपुर ( राजस्थान )

Return & Refund Policy


Thanks for became member of Akhil Bhartiya Shree Narayani Dham Prabandh Evm Vikas Mahasabha Samiti through webportal at https://shreenarayanidhammahasabha.com.


If you are not entirely satisfied with your membership, we're here to help.



You have 3 days calendar days to refuse became membership after registration from the date your registration. After 3 days of registration there is no option to refuse membership.



Once we receive your request to cancel membership within 3 days of registration date, we will inspect it and notify you that we have received your refused to consent to became a member of samiti. We will immediately notify you on the status of your refund after your request.. after 3 days of registration there will not any refunds claims.


If your cancellation is approved, we will initiate a refund to your debited (or original method of payment).


You will receive the credit within a certain amount of days, depending on your account issuer's policies.


Contact Us

If you have any questions on how to return your item to us, contact us on ceo@ shreenarayanidhammahasabha.com  or reach us at +7014090243

मेसर्स नारायणी जुरिक्स एंड ग्लोबल सर्विसेज प्राइवेट लिमिटेड द्वारा संचालित